I recently Googled some quotes for a project I was putting together for a Christmas present for my mom, and this one struck me as I was thinking about writing this blog
“Enjoy the little things in life for one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things.”
I’ll come back to this quote in a moment.
I attended a college commencement ceremony last week for the very first time. My older two kids still lack a few semesters before they will, happily, graduate from university. My husband earned his degree long before I met him, and I, though I had meant to go back someday, did not finish college.
So, there I was watching my son’s girlfriend march up to the stage to accept her diploma, taking in this unique ritual where doctorates, PhDs, Masters and bachelors degrees were being handed out, and what struck me was–this may sound crazy, but–it was the love I felt from all the people around me.
You see, it was the week before Christmas. A crazy, busy time for most people. And any graduation ceremony is an hours-long thing. It’s a commitment of time that, I wager, most people, myself for sure, groan and grumble about when thinking of how long one must sit there when one could be getting so many other things done, even when it’s not a week before Christmas.
But that was not the feeling vibrating in the air during this ceremony. It was excitement, it was pride, and love, and hope, and overwhelming…good will. Everyone sitting in the stadium watching-family, friends, loved ones-clapped and cheered and called out in support and encouragement. And since this is a state college and accepts students from all over the world, the people cheering were as diverse in their cultures, languages, and countries as this world can be. Whether they were “American” or not, whether they were Asian or Indian, Black or White, Muslim or Christian, we were all there because we knew someone–loved someone, and wanted to show that love by giving of our time.
And as I sat there taking all this in, the realization wasn’t a “take your breath away” moment. It was more like a wave of powerful emotion that washes over one in a feeling so true that it confirms life’s ultimate goodness.
In this era of inevitable change, and the accompanying ugliness that those fighting change can bring into the world, this feeling, this hope for humanity is desperately needed.
So, while it wasn’t a moment that took my breath away, it was something much more profound to me. As I looked around the arena at all the diverse humans bonded together in this mutual goal, it was–on the surface–a “little thing”. Something so common it happens hundreds, maybe thousands of times every year, at every college and university and high school. But I believe it is these “little things” that are the big things in life. The moments that define us as a human race. The moments that bring us together, despite race, religion, or country of origin. It is life at its best and we need these moments just as much–if not more than–the moments that take our breath away.
As this year comes to an end, and we all begin a new year–some with fear, perhaps kicking and screaming, bemoaning the loss of the old, and some with anticipation, looking forward to new challenges or long-awaited goals being met–
I hope we can all take with us into this new year a sense of hope. Hope that no matter what happens, we ultimately, as a race of humans, as citizens of Earth, have more in common than we have differences, and that, one day, that unity will prevail.
Wishing all our wonderful Blaze readers a very Happy and Healthy New Year!